About Ragdolls
All purebread Ragdolls have blue eyes
Ragdoll eyes may come in different shapes and shades of blue. However, it is important to be aware that ALL purebreds have blue eyes. If your Ragdoll has shades of green or yellow in their eyes then they are probably a mix.
They have dog-like personalities
Ragdolls take the best traits from dogs such as loyalty and playfulness. They are fiercely loyal to their families and love being near their humans. Ragdolls will even wait patiently outside a door for their owner to come and play.
Ragdolls are fully grown at 4 years of age
Ragdolls are what is known as a “slow-maturing” cat. What this means is that they aren’t considered fully grown adults until age 4. During this time, they can continue to grow in size and you may notice minor changes in their pattern.
Ragdolls have an above average life span
Ragdolls are actually one of the longest living cat breeds. While there is a lot of debate on the average age for a Ragdoll, it is generally agreed that they live between 15-20 years. Keep in mind, this is for an indoor-only cat. Having an indoor/outdoor cat or an outdoor only cat exposes them to many potentially life-threatening diseases and risks that can lower this average.
They’re one of the largest domestic breeds
When we see photos of Ragdolls, their cuteness almost makes you think they’d be dainty. However, Ragdoll cats are actually one of the largest breeds of domestic cat. This isn’t all just fluff either. Not only can they reach weights of 20 pounds but when you add in their medium to long coat, these guys can be the size of a small dog!
They are also very quiet
Just because a feline has a personable nature and is willing to make friends with almost everyone doesn’t mean it needs to be vocal. And Ragdolls are very much not a vocal breed. You’ll find these felines rarely meow, making them perfect companions for those living close to others.
Ragdolls have color-changing coats
Did you know that all Ragdolls are born with pure white fur? It’s true! However, as they get older, points on their coats begin to develop color and pattern. This is due to a genetic mutation that results in the final color of a cat being related to its body temperature.
Ragdolls are extremely docile cats. They get their name because they have a tendency to go limp in your hands and love to be held in your arms and babied for as long as you let them.
Blue Point
Blue Mitted
Seal Bicolor
Seal Mitted
Seal Point
Blue Bicolor